Security and Justice for Tigrayans
Security and Justice for Tigrayans (SJT) is a non-political, non-religious global movement initiated by concerned Tigrayan-Ethiopians (henceforth Tigrayans) in the diaspora. The creation of this initiative is stimulated by the dire situation the current Federal leadership of Ethiopia is posing in our country in general and Tigray in particular.
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እዋና መግለጺ፤ ወፍሪ ሓርነት
ወፍሪ ሓርት ንዝሓለፉ ክልተ ዓመታት ብምኽንያት መንነቶምን ፖለቲካ ቅዋሞምን ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባን ካልኦት ባቢታት ኢትዮጵያን ዝተኣሰሩ ተጋሩ ክትሑን ግቡእ ካሕሳ ረኽቡን ከምኡ እው ፌደራል መንግሥቲ ኣብ ልዕሊ ተጋሩ ንፈጸሞ ዘርኣዊን ፖቲካዊን በደል ብዕዊ መንገዲ ይቕሬታ ሓትት ብብዙሕ መንዲ ጎስጏስ እናካየ መጺኡ እዩ።
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help to end injustice against
Tigrawot in ethiopia
Prevent injustice against Tigrawot
As you are aware, these past two years have been extremely challenging times to the people of Tigray. This is mainly due to the orchestrated in/actions of the predatory Government of Ethiopia whose survival seems to depend on rummaging Tigray in its totality.Although largely foiled by the expeditious and united responses of the Tigrayans, the calculated in/actions of the Federal Administration to destabilize Tigray
nevertheless remain a major threat togel macau.

Alarmed by this threat, we Tigrayans in the DC Metro Area have come together and initiated a non-political, non-religious global movement called “Security and Justice for Tigrayans”, aka SJT. The purpose of SJT is to defend the interests, wellbeing and aspirations of the people of Tigray as it is articulated in its mission and goals. To this end, it is an integral part of its mission and goals to bring all Tigrayans around the globe together in order to defend our shared aspirations effectively. SJT believes that the magnitude of our problem is so alarming that it warrants more meticulous and strategic collaboration commensurate to the scale and intensity of the challenges of now and ahead.
Building a Better Future for Tigray
Your donation will help us fight against injustice for every Tigrayans in Ethiopia.